
Anti Wrinkle Injections (Botox)

Over time, your skin and its supportive muscles, suffer the effects of aging. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is caused due to our skin losing elasticity which eventually causes visible changes. As changes in our body happen over time, equally other factors affect our appearance, such as weakened collagen in our skin, damage from smoking and genetic damage caused by sunlight and the environment. Daily expressions such as frowning or concentrating utilises muscles in between your brows, as these muscles contract, your skin begins to furrow and fold when you squint causing the appearance of crow’s feet or frown lines. Modern day medical aesthetics allows us to treat the signs of aging and refresh your natural appearance. Mooi is home to a variety of injectable treatments used to slow down the signs of the aging process. 

Injectables are a quick and easy way to combat lines without the need for surgery, allowing us to target only the small, specific muscles responsible for unwanted lines and wrinkles, meaning your normal facial expressions will remain unaffected. 

Mooi prides itself on using the most advanced products available in modern medicine, our anti-wrinkle injections work by utilising Botulinum toxin, a type of protein. Botulinum toxin works by blocking the transition of chemical messages sent from the nerve which cause the muscle to contract. The treatment significantly reduces the number of muscle movements that cause expression lines (dynamic lines). 

Anti-wrinkle injections should be considered when these expression lines start to appear lightly at rest. Mooi uses the most innovative type of Botulinum Toxin Type A. This contains an extensive purification system removing complex proteins from the Botulinum Toxin formula and providing results with longer lasting effects. 

Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a medical aesthetic procedure in which injectable fillers are used to alter and shape a person’s nose without a surgery. 

A non-surgical nose job can make the tip more prominent, or lift the tip if desired, correct a dorsal hump and build up a nasal bridge. It is also highly effective at smoothing out bumps and adding volume and symmetry to the nose. The overall result is a more aesthetically pleasing, contoured, nose. 

A non surgical rhinoplasty could be beneficial to a person who is happy with their nose but doesn’t feel the need to go through surgery to correct this. Applying a small amount of filler can correct any deficiencies along the nose and believe it or not, can be used to make the nose look slimmer. Many people under go non surgical rhinoplasty to refine the results of a previous surgical rhinoplasty than having another operation to fix a small detail. 

Lip Filler

Lip augmentation is a procedure that aims to increase both volume and definition. In some cases, filler can also help to correct asymmetry of the lips by alignment of the top and bottom lip – each patients treatment is bespoke to them to ensure the most beautifying result. 

Here at Mooi we use advanced methods of carrying out lip filler treatment, Lips are our speciality, this is our most popular enhancement and we pride ourselves in being able to deliver the results in line with your request. 

Lip fillers are a perfect way to add or restore volume to your lips and when done properly, can still look natural! However depending on your anatomy you might not be a candidate for lip filler. The vermillion border is the line in which your red lip meets the white lip and when this leans forward it makes it difficult to increase the red show. In this case a procedure called the ‘lip flip’ would be beneficial which involves injecting anti-wrinkle injections in the top lip to reduce muscle movement therefore increasing red show. 

Jaw line filler

Jawline filler treatment can help to create a contoured jawline that frames the face and add definition. In other cases jaw filler can help decrease the ageing process of the face. As the skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, the jawline starts to appear soft and lacking definition. The corners of the mouth also begin to droop, causing marionette lines to form. A loss of fat tissue can also cause this skin formation often resulting in the appearance of jowls. 

In these cases, dermal fillers are used to fill in the lines, add volume where it has been lost, create a lifting effect, and camouflage the look of jowls with strategically placed filler.  

Jawline enhancement can beneficial to a variety of people. This can include anyone with a weak, retracted or short chin, patients looking to balance their facial features, those that have developed jowls through ageing and clients with natural dimples along the chin and jawline.  

Male jaw filler is becoming increasingly popular! Jaw filler can be used to sculpt and strengthen a softer jawline into a stronger more harsh appearance that we see in many male models and celebrities more recently. With the use of jaw filler men can also have the procedure to distract from a ‘double chin’. 

Filler Dissolver

Mooi specialise in correcting and dissolving unwanted fillers. In some cases they may have been incorrectly injected, had an adverse reaction or have given undesirable results. It is vital that a highly advanced professional carries out this treatment and has a high understanding of facial anatomy, this ensures the dissolving is tailored to your needs. 

We have a huge demand currently for this service. 

Most of the filler is broken down in the first 2-3 days following the procedure, but your body will continue to absorb the broken filler over the next 2 weeks. Therefore, if you are choosing to refill the area, we recommend leaving at least 2 weeks after the dissolving procedure. 

Brow lift

Botox eyebrow lift procedure or a non-surgical brow lift is a procedure for patients to smooth out skin wrinkles around the frontalis muscle on the forehead and lift droopy eyebrows (reduce the appearance of upper eyelid hooding). A Botox brow lift treatment works well on all skin types and colours. The treatment lifts skin around and above the eyebrows, moving the natural arch slightly higher. The muscles above the brows are temporarily frozen in place. The eyebrows remain in a lifted position until the Botox injections wears out.  

Cheek filler

The zygomatic bone also known as the zygomatic arch is the bone in which is known to us as the cheek bone. The formation and placement of this bone thus your facial shape is thought to be highly inheritable and so genetically dependable.

Dermal filler formally known as Hyaluronic acid can be placed on and around this area in a bid to raise volume and definition. This can create an illusion of higher cheeks bones in women and more prominent cheek bones in men which can both have an incredibly beautifying effect. Cheek filler can also be used to solve problems of facial asymmetry. In this instance Dr Rosh will follow a personalised protocol to add filler to the areas in which need it most rather than following a standard procedure. Not only does this make your time with us more personal but ensures you get the most appropriate treatment to have you looking your best.

Cheek filler can also aid in making the face appear slimmer when combined with other treatments such as  the chin, facial balancing is the key concept in this case and so small amounts of filler in the correct places go along way.

Cheek filler can also be used for anti-aging affects. Between the ages of 25-50 we loose an adequate amount of bone density which will in turn lead to less support for our skin. Replacing this with dermal filler can therefore keep you looking fresher for longer by restoring this lost volume.

Crows feet / smile lines

Botox eyebrow lift procedure or a non-surgical brow lift is a procedure for patients to smooth out skin wrinkles around the frontalis muscle on the forehead and lift droopy eyebrows (reduce the appearance of upper eyelid hooding). A Botox brow lift treatment works well on all skin types and colours. The treatment lifts skin around and above the eyebrows, moving the natural arch slightly higher. The muscles above the brows are temporarily frozen in place. The eyebrows remain in a lifted position until the Botox injections wears out.  

Tear trough filler

A technically skilled injector can help correct the appearance of sunken circles and a tired, worn out look. 

The eyes are an area that really show tiredness and health. Tear trough filler can really boost the under eyes, smoothing out wrinkles, alleviating tiredness, to provide you with the appearance of youthfulness, vitality and health in an instance! 

As we age fat tissue migrates downwards in the face due to gravity, we stop producing collagen and begin to lose it at rate of 1% per year. On top of this, between 25-55 years old we lose bone density at an average of 150 ml of skull bone. Collectively, this all adds to the ageing process, therefore, strategically placed filler rejuvenates the negative lines around the eyes, nasal labial and marionette. These key areas, when filled skilfully by Mooi will enhance the profile and rebuild the volume lost in the face! Tear trough under eye filler is increasingly popular for correction of a hollowed under eye appearance.  

Fat Dissolver

fat dissolving has become a popular treatment for those looking to reduce stubborn pockets of fat tissue with little down time. 

The fatty acids released in this process are naturally removed by our natural metabolic processes. Deoxycholate is found naturally occurring in our liver and is therefore deemed safe and non-toxic to the body. This treatment leads to the permanent reduction of fatty tissue and so the area will not return back to its previous state.  

Fat dissolver is administered by injection into the desired area by an advanced technician  which then allows the deterioration of fat cells in a localised area. This treatment is therefore great for removing fatty areas in which you wouldn’t be able to specifically target with going to the gym and leading a healthy life style.  

The number of treatments you will need will vary person to person and so it is important to have a consultation with one of our Team. Often this is decided once the first treatment has undergone and so we can see how you respond to the treatment. As the presence of fat causes the skin to stretch it is important that the laxity reappears to reduce the possibility of sagging skin once the fat has dissolved. The treatment is therefore intended for use on people between the ages of 18 to 60 years old however this can vary.  

Lemon Bottle

Are you tired of stubborn fat clinging to your body, no matter how hard you work out or watch what you eat? Look no further – our revolutionary LemonBottle Fat Dissolving treatment is here to transform your body and boost your confidence!  

What is Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving? 

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving is an innovative treatment that utilizes the natural power of lemon enzymes to target and eliminate stubborn fat deposits. This non-invasive procedure is designed to contour your body, helping you achieve a more sculpted appearance without the need for surgery. 

The Benefits of Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving:  

Effective Fat Reduction: Say goodbye to those trouble spots that seem impossible to get rid of. Our Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving treatment specifically targets localized fat deposits, helping to break them down and reveal a slimmer you. Enjoy a more sculpted physique and a renewed sense of self-confidence! 

Non-Invasive and Safe: We understand that safety is of utmost importance to you. Our Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving treatment is non-invasive, meaning no incisions. You can enjoy the benefits of fat reduction without the risks associated with surgical procedures.  

Quick Recovery, No Downtime: One of the great advantages of this treatment is that it requires minimal recovery time. You can get back to your daily activities immediately after each session, with no downtime needed. Fit your transformation into your busy schedule without missing a beat! 

Lip twist with dissolve and tapes

No one wants to lose their lips and have them fully dissolved, walking around for weeks waiting to have them re-filled.

The lip twist with dissolve and tapes is the only advanced technique available to do this and is a highly specialised skill.

Luckily at Mooi we specialise in this treatment so we can ensure we dissolve your migration and fix the corrective work needed to prevent any time without your lips.

Lip Taping is the latest lip filler trend being shared all over social channels such as TikTok and Instagram. This trend sees practitioners tape lips using sterile tape after injecting to give a more everted lip and to prevent lip filler migration 

Lip filler migration is when filler essentially spreads or migrated to another part of the body, away from the area it was intended to be. Filler migration presents itself by the lips looking more ‘puffy’ than normal and it is quite often referred to as looking like ‘duck lips’. Lip filler migration is a common side effect of the ‘Russian Lip’ technique where the top of the lip is filled in significantly, almost creating a shelf on top of the mouth. 

The main cause of lip filler migration is poor injection technique. If the injector has not injected the product properly, the filler may spread to unintended locations and the emergence of what has come to be known as “duck lips” occurs. Another cause is injecting too much product into the lips, causing it to spread out with the lips as there is no longer space for it where it is intended to be. 

Lip taping, combined with possible dissolver and re filling the lips is an advanced specialist technique with very few technicians in UK qualified to use. 

Mooi pride ourselves in being one of the few specialists providing this corrective treatment. 

PRP hair loss

PRP therapy works by injecting the patient’s own concentrated platelet-rich plasma into the hair follicles, which stimulates and reactivates dormant or weakened hair follicles to produce thicker and healthier hair.

The process begins with a simple blood draw from the patient’s arm; this is then placed in a centrifuge machine which separates the red blood cells from the plasma. The PRP is then injected into the scalp using a very fine needle, allowing the platelets to be delivered directly and efficiently to where they are needed.

You should plan to complete 4 treatments to see the best results

PRP facial

A PRP facial treatment is a more natural cosmetic treatment that involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the face. PRP promotes healing on a cellular level. When injected into the skin, PRP can help improve texture and tone, reduce wrinkles, and encourage new collagen growth.

Our blood contains plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Plasma is the liquid part of our blood and is made up of water and proteins; plasma also helps blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets to move through the body. Platelets help our blood clot and produce growth factor proteins essential for healing.

PRP facial rejuvenation uses a concentration of platelets and plasma from your blood to help heal and renew your skin. The growth factors in platelets are critical for our skin to keep it looking plump & full of elastin.

To start this process we will draw a small vial of blood from you. Then they will place the vial in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the red and white blood cells. This process concentrates the platelets and increases the count many times higher than usual, and the result is impressive. From there, it is ready to address skin concerns.Your practitioner will then apply the PRP solution topically like a serum.

What are Vitamin B12 Injections?

Vitamin B12 is an essential, water-soluble nutrient for vitality and wellbeing. It aids your digestion, helps you to regulate mood, and assists in maintaining a healthy immune system. If you have low Vitamin B12 levels, you may find you have symptoms such as:

  • fatigue
  • stress
  • loss of appetite
  • low moods
  • faintness
  • Brain fog
  • pale skin
  • When suffering from a Vitamin B12 deficiency, injections are the most effective solution for delivering the nutrient to your body. The full dose is delivered straight into your system, enabling you to feel happier, vibrant and more energised. As with all vitamins, Vitamin B12 is a vital component to any healthy and active lifestyle.
How do Vitamin B12 Injections work?
  • According to the UK government, our bodies require 1.5 micrograms (mcg) a day of Vitamin B12, although other governments advise that we actually need more.
  • Vitamin B12 is predominately only acquired naturally from animal-based produce such as meat, dairy, eggs, as well as fish, especially trout, salmon and cod. Vitamin B12 deficiencies are therefore quite common among vegetarians and vegans. However, many people who are deficient are simply this way because their bodies are unable to absorb Vitamin B12 efficiently.
  • Supplementary tablets can be taken to account for a lack of Vitamin B12 in the diet. However, injections are a more effective method because the Vitamin B12 is delivered straight into your system without being digested first, allowing for maximum results. Any Vitamin B12 that is not required by the body is excreted in the urine.
How long do Vitamin B12 sessions last?

Procedures are incredibly quick. They are simply the length of time of an injection.

How long do Vitamin B12 Injections take to work?

Most clients have a sense of improved general wellbeing almost immediately after their first Vitamin B12 injection. Nearly all clients report a larger rise in energy levels after their second or third shot. Clients generally have a Vitamin B12 injection every week for the duration of their recommended course.

What is the downtime of Vitamin B12 Injections?

There is zero downtime with Vitamin B12 injections. You can return to normal activities right away.

Do Vitamin B12 Injections hurt?

There is only the very minor and fleeting discomfort of an injection.

How many Vitamin B12 treatments are needed?

Our medical suggestion is to have one Vitamin B12 injection at weekly intervals, up to five shots (so five shots over five weeks). And then repeat the same cycle every six to 12 months.


Biotin also known as B7 or vitamin H, is a type of B complex vitamin that occurs naturally in a variety of foods, such as egg yolks, milk and dairy, legumes, nuts, avocados, bananas and organ meats like liver. Biotin helps support a healthy nervous system and improves the basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. This is why Biotin is known to help with hair growth and improve the general health of hair, skin and nails. It is also an important part of how enzymes in the body break down substances like fats, protein and carbohydrates into energy.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, therefore it is not easily stored in the body. Any excess is passed through your system, and regular intake is required to avoid deficiency due to its transient nature. Biotin can be taken in tablet form or given intramuscularly as an injection. Most supplements are not effectively absorbed by our bodies through ingestion, intramuscular Biotin injections have been more

Correct dosages of Biotin supplementation have shown an increase in hair growth, hair structure and thickness, as well as a decrease in hair loss. Higher doses of Biotin have also resulted in significant nail health improvement. Studies have shown that those who take a Biotin supplement can thicken their nails by up to 25 percent and decrease the amount of nail splitting and breakage they endure.

There are also numerous reports from both males and females stating that an unexpected side effect (or benefit) of Biotin, was that it noticeably improved their sex drive – however, there is no factual scientific evidence to support this, other than improving their overall health by supplementation.

Biotin Benefits

Although the main known benefit of Biotin is related to hair growth, there are many more benefits as listed below:

  • Aids in healthy sweat glands
  • Good for nerve tissue and bone marrow
  • Supports healthy cell growth, promoting healthy, glowing skin – with additional anti-ageing benefits
  • Improves acne, eczema and skin conditions
  • Strengthens hair and helps create Red Blood Cells that carry the nutrition and oxygen to the scalp and hair follicles, thus promoting healthy hair growth.
  • Aids in preventing hair loss
  • Promotes nail growth and strengthens dry, brittle nails
  • Improves blood glucose
  • Increases metabolism and speeds up weight loss by triggering the reactions needed to turn food into fuel
  • Boots enzyme production, which in turn supports the metabolisation of fat and carbohydrates
  • Creates amino acids that play a vital role in building up proteins (cell strength), which has a great effect on rejuvenation

Appointment time is 15 minutes and has zero downtime

Vitamin C

Vitamin C Injections deliver pure vitamin C directly into the bloodstream via an intramuscular (IM) injection. Regular Vitamin C Injections can enhance physical wellbeing and prevent the onset of illness, this is because vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that protects the body against the effects of harmful agents

Benefits of Vitamin C Injections
  • Absorbed better than oral supplements
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Improves the look and quality of the skin
  • More gentle on sensitive stomachs
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Gives you more energy

Appointment lasts no longer than 15 minutes

Zero downtime

Skin Boosters – Seventy Hyal

Seventy Hyal 2000 improves hydration levels and at the same time enhances the production of new collagen and elastin. This bio-stimulating treatment helps to rejuvenate and improve skin texture and skin laxity whilst adding gentle volume.

This is not a dermal fillerthe hydrating Hyaluronic Acid (HA) skin booster stimulates new collagen production resulting in glowing, healthy skin.

This treatment is often used for facial enhancements to create a gorgeous, glowing appearance. Alternatively, it can be used to rejuvenate and refresh the neck area, décolleté and hands. 

Regardless of age, gender and even skin type – this treatment delivers incredible results for every skincare objective including reducing the appearance of fine lines.

The longevity of results can vary between individuals however Seventy Hyal 2000 isn’t your typical skin booster. Results are expected to show almost immediately with full results showing 2 weeks post-treatment. During the next 2-3 weeks bio-stimulation improves elastin and collagen to improve overall skin texture and skin laxity. 

Expected results are:

  • Younger looking skin
  • Plump skin
  • Glowing looking skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkle reduction
  • Reduced dark circles under eyes
  • Improved sun-damaged skin
  • Intense and deeper skin hydration
Skin Boosters – Profhilo

Skin boosters are an injectable treatment, known as ‘the injectable glow’, which aims to refine the look of the skin, improving a range of concerns, including: skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles, crepey skin and an uneven texture. This treatment can be used on the face, neck, chest, hands and inner arms and work by supporting the internal structure of the skin. The skin is remodelled rather than artificially plumped to provide natural volume and hydration to the skin.

The skin loses its volume and elasticity as collagen and elastin depletes from the skin. This can give a tired look to the face and other areas of the body, as features lose definition and the skin appears loose. A consultation at Nassif MedSpa will recommend skin boosters according to the results of a thorough skin and facial analysis with a view to achieve a complexion that is brighter and more volumized.

Profhilo is a popular skin booster that are provided at Mooi. A very fine needle is used to administer this injectable treatment, which contains hyaluronic acid – a naturally occurring product found within the skin. The hyaluronic acid binds with water to produce natural volume and hydration, whilst also helping to support and ‘cushion’ collagen and elastin fibres. Not only does this treatment stimulate collagen, it tightens, lifts, hydrates and improves tone.

Particularly effective on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth area, skin boosters usually require 2 treatments, 4 weeks apart. The results will be visible around 4 weeks after the treatment course when the skin will appear, firmer, brighter and tighter. This treatment can be successful as a stand alone procedure or can support the results of other rejuvenating treatments.



Lumi eyes

Lumi Eyes treatment is a non-invasive treatment that involves injecting a specially formulated serum into the skin around the eyes. The serum contains vitamins, minerals, and other active ingredients that nourish and rejuvenate the delicate skin around the eyes. The treatment helps to reduce dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines by improving blood flow, stimulating collagen production, and promoting lymphatic drainage.

How many treatments are needed?

A course of 3-4 treatments spaced around 4 weeks apart is usually recommended for optimal results. However, the number of sessions needed may vary depending on the individual and their goals.

How long does a Lumi Eyes mesotherapy treatment session last?

A Lumi Eyes mesotherapy treatment session typically lasts between 30-45 minutes.

Is there any downtime after a Lumi Eyes mesotherapy treatment?

There is little to no downtime after a Lumi Eyes mesotherapy treatment. You may experience some mild swelling, redness, or bruising around the injection site, but this usually subsides within a few hours to a few days. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

How long do the results of Lumi Eyes mesotherapy treatment last?

The results of Lumi Eyes mesotherapy treatment are long-lasting when combined with a healthy lifestyle. However, the treatment does not prevent new signs of aging from forming, so it is important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to maximise the results. With proper maintenance, the results of Lumi Eyes mesotherapy treatment can last for several months to a year or more.

Bunny lines

A natural part of growing older is that the repetitive movements of our faces cause lines to form.

Smiling, frowning, laughing and wrinkling our noses all contribute to the character of our faces, and the subsequent fine lines and wrinkles that appear over time.

Some of these lines can be seen as attractive and charming, but some people find that certain lines age their face and they can become self-conscious about them.

‘Bunny lines’ are very common facial lines that can be significantly reduced with targeted aesthetic treatment.


These wrinkles start near the inner corner of the eye and tend to extend downward and inward onto the nose.

It depends on your facial anatomy as to whether you have these wrinkles, but if you do, you’ll notice them when you crinkle your nose to smile or laugh. This is likened to when rabbits twitch their noses – hence the term.


These lines are a common facial feature, but as we age there are several factors that can make them more prominent.

One contributing aspect can be sun damage; sun exposure can cause the skin to age prematurely.  Another factor is the natural loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, which is part of the ageing process. This means that skin loses the youthful elasticity and plumpness that enables it to bounce back from repeated facial expressions.



Botox is an excellent treatment to improve the appearance of bunny lines.

Botox safely and gently relaxes fine lines and wrinkles in this area of the face, to achieve natural-looking results. People will notice a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance without realising why.

Sad Smile Lines

If, even in your happiest moments, you’re still being told to ‘cheer up’ asked ‘why so glum?’, you may well have a condition known as ‘sad smile lines’. 

Sad mouth, also called marionette lines, is the name given to the horizontal lines that appear at the corners of your mouth. These lines tend to turn downwards, giving the impression of being sad, cross or tired – even if you’re not!

These lines can really affect your confidence and self-esteem, but a solution doesn’t have to be painful or invasive – in fact, you can get immediate results pretty much painlessly. If you want to know how we can turn that frown upside down, then read on…

The Main Causes Of Sad Mouth

Unfortunately, sad mouth lines are one of those unwanted effects of the ageing process. As you age, collagen production in your body slows down. Collagen is the plumping protein that keeps your skin smooth and firm, so, as that depletes your skin starts to loosen and sag. 

Think of collagen as the scaffolding that provides strength and support to your skin. Without it, wrinkles and lines appear and skin feels more papery. You’ve probably noticed this more in areas like your neck, the back of your hands and on your face – all the places that get seen the most!

As well as losing the firmness that collagen gives, skin also loses elastin, which is the protein responsible for the tautness of your skin. It’s elastin that gives your skin the ability to snap back when pinched or moved. If you gently pinch the skin on the back of your hand, you can see it takes a moment to settle back into position – the longer it takes, the less skin elasticity you have.

And to top it all off, loss of both collagen and elastin is commonly associated with menopause. As if there isn’t enough to think about with ‘the change’!


Marionette lines and sad mouth tend to run in the family – so if your mum, dad, or other blood relation has them, then it’s likely you inherited them.


It’s no secret that UV rays are really, really bad for skin. While overexposure to UVB rays puts you at risk of skin cancer and actinic keratosis, UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply, affecting the dermis layer. 

This harmful UVA radiation encourages the production of free radicals which can lead to DNA damage in your skin. 

It’s these free radicals that are responsible for the breakdown of your collagen. Sun damage can affect you at any age, so prolonged exposure can result in the premature ageing (photoaging) of your skin. That’s why sunscreen is vital, even on overcast days.

As well as damage caused by the sun, our skin is exposed to the dangers of pollution on a daily basis. Soot and nitrogen dioxide are both common in urban environments and both create more free radicals, which just adds to the ageing of your skin.


Smoking worsens the look of sad mouth lines in two ways. Firstly, the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes lead to the production of, you guessed it, free radicals. As with sun damage and pollution, these free radicals play a large role in the destruction of your collagen, giving skin a sunken look.

How to treat it?

Botulinum Toxin

The best option available for the treatment of sad mouth is botulinum toxin, often referred to as “Botox”. These simple and relatively painless injections take moments, offering you a simple, easy and effective solution. 

In a nutshell, botulinum toxin is a muscle relaxer. The toxin is injected into the affected area and blocks the nerve’s signal to the muscles. This relaxes the muscles that pull the mouth corners downwards, leading to a reduction in the visibility of the sad mouth lines that make you look grumpy or unhappy – and a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Bum Lift (Toxin)
How it works

A Buttocks Lift using Botulinum Toxin is a minimally invasive procedure designed to enhance the shape and appearance of the buttocks without surgery. This treatment involves strategically injecting botulinum toxin (commonly known as Botox) into specific muscles around the buttocks area to create a more lifted, toned, and contoured appearance.

The procedure works by targeting and temporarily relaxing certain muscles in and around the buttocks, primarily the gluteus maximus. When botulinum toxin is injected into these muscles, it reduces their activity, which can lead to a subtle lifting effect. This muscle relaxation not only creates a more lifted appearance but can also improve the overall shape and firmness of the buttocks. Additionally, the treatment may help smooth out the skin’s surface, potentially reducing the appearance of cellulite and creating a more even texture.

What Does The Treatments Involve?

On the day of the procedure, the treatment area is cleaned, and a topical anaesthetic may be applied to minimise discomfort. The practitioner then injects small amounts of botulinum toxin into the targeted muscles using fine needles. The number and placement of injections depend on your desired outcome and the practitioner’s technique. The entire procedure is relatively quick, typically taking 15-30 minutes to complete.

After the injections, patients can usually resume normal activities immediately. However, it’s advisable to avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours to allow the botulinum toxin to settle properly. Initial effects may start to appear within a few days, with full results typically visible after about two weeks. The effects can last 3-6 months, depending on individual factors. As the effects gradually wear off, maintenance treatments can be scheduled to sustain the lifted and contoured appearance.

Gummy Smile

Did you know women are twice as likely to have a gummy smile than men?[1] Most of us do not think twice about smiling, but for some smiling does not come easily if we are worried about having a gummy smile. An optimal smile appears balanced with just enough gum and teeth showing.

When we smile, the focus should be on the lips and teeth if you are showing any, but not on the gums. Being unhappy with a gummy smile can severely affect self-esteem levels and even social interactions for both men and women.

What is a Gummy Smile?

The term “gummy smile” also referred to as excessive gingival display, refers to when someone smiles and there is too much gum tissue showing above the top teeth. This can take the focus from our lips and even teeth – making them appear to be smaller than normal.

What causes a Gummy Smile?

There are many causes for a Gummy Smile. They can range from genetics to more simple things like how we care for our teeth. Common causes include:

  • Hyperactive muscle that elevates upper lip
  • Thin upper lip that exposes more of the upper gum
  • Genetics – which can be responsible for a hyperactive or short lip
  • Bone structure
  • Problems with the teeth or size of the teeth
  • Gums – they could be long or enlarged

Fortunately, in most cases, a gummy smile can be easily corrected.

Gummy Smile Botox treatment

Before seeking a Botox for gummy smile treatment, the question is, do you feel self-conscious about your gums when you smile? If yes, then we have the right treatment for you. Depending on the cause of gummy smiles, i.e., hyperactivity of the upper lip muscles, Botox can effectively treat this.


Platysmal bands (Neck) anti wrinkle injections

Erase neck bands and reclaim a smooth youthful neck without downtime or the need for surgery.

Platysma Neck Bands Treatment (also called the Nefertiti neck lift) are the perfect non-invasive option to smooth aged neck bands. Platysma neck bands are caused by an overactive thin sheet of muscle that covers the entire neck from the collarbones to the jawline called the platysma muscle.  Hyperactivity of the platysma muscle with age causes vertical loose neck bands and a pulling down of jawline jowls.

Targeted anti-wrinkle injections into the platysma muscle cause a smoothing and rejuvenation of an aged neck. Relaxation of the platysma muscle also causes a lifting and smoothing of jowls along with a sharper more defined jawline.

Lip flip

What is a lip flip?

A Botox lip flip treatment involves precise placement of a small amount of Botox at the corners of the mouth and near the cupids bow targeting the upper lip muscle. The goal is to relax tension in the orbicularis oris muscle and ‘flip’ the lip outwards to make more of the upper lip visible resulting in a fuller and plumper upper lip.

Where to inject Botox for Lip Flip?

During a lip flip treatment, your practitioner will carefully and strategically administer small quantities of Botox across the top lip (cupids bow, corner of the mouth).

Once injected, Botox gets to work by relaxing the orbicularis oris muscle specifically the portion over the upper lip. This relaxation causes a subtle upward rolling of the lip, creating the illusion of increased volume. Additionally, these carefully targeted injection points can temporarily diminish vertical fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth.

What is the difference between Botox Lip Flip and Lip Filler?

Lip Flip with Botox and Lip Filler are two different treatments. Lip filler uses dermal filler to add volume to the lip whereas Lip Flip Botox treatment instead relaxes the muscle of the lips to change the positioning of the upper lip to give the appearance of a fuller pout.

Is Botox Lip Flip better than Dermal Lip Filler?

It would not be possible to compare both treatments as they both achieve different results. The best treatment for lip enhancement will depend on what the patient wants to achieve from treatment.

Benefits of Botox Flip Lip vs Dermal Lip Filler

  • Achieve a more subtle plump to the upper lip
  • Ideal for making the upper lip more prominent
  • Can help with gummy smile
  • Ideal for patients who want fuller looking lips but don’t need added volume
  • Temporary treatment (2 months)

Benefits of Dermal Lip Filler vs Botox Lip Flip

  • Can treat the upper and lower lips
  • Best for creating fuller lips by adding volume
  • Can also reduce the appearance of vertical lip lines
  • More control over the overall lip shape and symmetry
  • Longer lasting results (6-12 months)
Smokers lines
What are Smoker Lines?

Like with the lines around the eyes and the forehead, the lines around the mouth are mostly formed by muscle movement. Smoker lines form around the mouth because of the puckering of the lips, which is done repeatedly when smoking cigarettes, hence the name ‘Smoker Lines’. They can also form from the way you speak or eat, so it’s possible to develop smoker lines even if you’ve never smoked a cigarette in your life.

How can Smoker Line Botox® Treatment enhance my appearance?

The area around the mouth is considered especially difficult to treat, so it’s especially important to find a qualified clinician, like the fully qualified medical professionals at Aesthetics Life, to prevent a droopy mouth or dribbling. Smoker lines can be treated by using precise administration of Botox®* injections into the fine dynamic facial muscles around the mouth. These anti-wrinkle injections can be used to prevent lines from developing/deepening, or to soften existing lines. The elimination of the smoker lines leads to a more rested, approachable, and fresh appearance and an overall more youthful look. Dependant on the patient, dermal filler can also be used in combination with Botox® to treat smokers’ lines.

What to expect before, during and after the Smoker Line Botox® Treatment.

Before the Smoker Line Botox® Treatment.

During the initial consultation we will discuss the options and create a bespoke treatment plan, going over the benefits and possible side effects. We’ll take a few ‘before’ photos for you to compare the before and after results once the treatment has finished.

During the Smoker Line Botox® Treatment.

*For the smoker lines, we generally use Botox®, a botulinum toxin that was designed specifically for aesthetic purposes. Botox® is injected into the fine dynamic facial muscles around the mouth to cause a temporary relaxation of the muscles that improves the appearance of smoker lines, which can appear smoother or even disappear altogether. Once the Botox® has been administered, if required the clinician will also administer dermal fillers to smooth any deeper wrinkles which may be apparent. This varies patient to patient.

After the Smoker Line Botox® Treatment.

After the treatment, the positive effects of the treatment should be visible within 2 weeks with regards to the Botox® and immediately regarding the dermal fillers (if used). The effects of this treatment will typically last between 4 and 6 months. Most people can return to their normal daily life immediately after the treatment. Try to avoid touching and keep the area clean. Also, try to sleep on your back facing up. You might experience slight side effect inconveniences in the treated area, such as swelling or mild bruising. These side effects typically only last between 1 and 3 days.

Hyperhidrosis (Anti Sweat) treatment

Excessive sweating (also known as Hyperhidrosis) affects both men and women and can become an embarrassing problem, affecting peoples lives in a myriad of negative ways.

Once sweating disrupts daily activities, such as the clothes you choose to wear, the way you travel to work, the environments in which you can speak publicly, it can become a significant burden.

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for frequent or excessive sweating. Sweating is the body’s natural cooling mechanism, but when the body produces more sweat than is necessary to cool the body, this is known as hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating is most common on the forehead, palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and the underarms.

Sometimes there are underlying medical reasons why this may be happening, and we encourage all our patients to investigate these before deciding upon which treatment is most appropriate. Often there is no underlying cause identified and the condition is described as “Idiopathic” or “Primary”.

What is the treatment and how does it work?

Our treatment involves Botox® injections. These injections relax the tiny sweat glands located just under the skin. These sweat glands normally produce sweat, which then travels up the sweat duct and out through the pores onto the surface of the skin. With these sweat glands in a more relaxed state, they no longer over produce sweat and that excessive sweat is no longer seen or felt at the skins surface.

What does Botox® sweating treatment involve?

Botox® is a very popular way to combat excessive sweating when other methods have failed.

For treatment with Botox® injections, numbing cream is applied to the skin to make the procedure more comfortable.

The treatment itself takes around thirty minutes and involves having very small injections just under the skin in the affected areas.

How long does do results last?

The treatment is usually very effective; resulting in an almost complete cessation of underarm or facial sweating that can last up to six months from just one treatment session. It is important to note that Botox® injections for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is not a cure. Symptoms will eventually return and further treatments will be required


Chin filler

Dermal fillers are used to plump, enhance, define, rejuvenate and increase or replace volume in the chin.

It is predominantly made up of cross linked hyaluronic acid which is naturally occurring in the body. Hyaluronic acid is known for its water attracting properties and attracts and holds moisture around 1000 times it’s own weight. 

The tissue surrounding the filler therefore appears plump, hydrated and creases look softer or diminish. 

Dermal filler is temporary and can last between 6 months a year year depending on the type of filler used and the rate at which it is broken down by the individual.

During the ageing process the chin begins to recede further back, alongside the skin’s supportive network of collagen and elastin that breaks down, creating looser skin around the chin area. This leads to the muscles that are pull the face up to weaken over time and the muscles that pull your face down to strengthen which can cause the ‘upside down frown’ or creases between the chin and the bottom lip. Chin filler can help restore the volume loss and help creases around the chin area. 

Chin filler can also help balance the side profile for naturally receded or smaller chins by increasing the distance between the chin and the neck, giving the illusion of a more balanced side profile as there is more definition in the lower half of the face. 

For rounder faces, chin filler can help elongate the face and create distance from the chin to the jawline, which can help the jawline look more defined as it is longer in length.

Chin filler can change the contours of your chin making it appear more prominent or increase its definition. While some of our female clients want to have a softer contoured chin, our male clients may wish to have more definition/chiselled chin.

Cleft chins can be treated with chin filler to help smooth out the dimple, although this may take a few visits.

Lidocaine based numbing cream will be applied to the lip area for approximately 30 minutes after you arrive at the clinic.
After the numbing cream has been left for 30 minutes you would have a consultation with the practitioner who will discuss with you about the chin filler treatment. Our practitioners will advise you on the amount you might need to achieve the results you desire.

The procedure including the 30 minute numbing cream wait time is around 45 – 1 hour long. Most our clients are here for 45 minutes but do include extra time in case there is more that is required in your appointment.

Dermal filler the chin lasts around 9 months to a year on average, according to manufacturers.

The longevity of chin filler is dependant on the individual. Some factors that affect longevity are: age, metabolism, amount injected at the time, amount of time since last treatment, amount of treatments previously.

Trapezium (Shoulders) anti wrinkle injections

Trapezius slimming is suitable for people who suffer from neck and shoulder pain, functional relief of the pain, some types of tension headaches, and poor posture problems. From an aesthetic perspective, this treatment can elongate the neck and create straight 90-degree shoulder contours to create an elegant long neck that looks more feminine and less hulk-like.

You have a strong trapezius if you can pinch two chunks of developed muscle where the neck and shoulders meet. However, trapezius injections are only suitable for girls with overdeveloped trapezius muscles. If your problems are caused by fat accumulation, you are not a good candidate for this project. Instead, you can refer to our treatment for a Lipodissolve injection.


Trapezius muscle hypertrophy is characterized by enlarged muscle bulk. Because the shoulder injection is injected directly into the trapezius muscle of the shoulders to relax and shrink the shoulder muscles, it gives you a more elegant upper body. This procedure can often be performed in under an hour, and you will not feel painful or uncomfortable.

After the injection, temporary soreness, redness, and bruising are normal. Botulinum toxin typically takes one month to start working, after which you can achieve the goal of a slim shoulder and neckline, together with well-defined collarbones.

The landmarks for shoulder injection are important. Our practitioners will mark out several strategic points on your trapezius and inject the required units of Botox into these points and you can return to your daily activities immediately. This treatment relies heavily on practitioners’ professional technique. Undoubtedly, our highly experienced practitioner can help you to achieve the best outcome.

Pebble Chin

Have you ever noticed the unique texture of some people’s chins, resembling tiny pebbles or featuring distinct dimples? These facial characteristics, known as pebble chin and chin dimples, can add character to one’s appearance, but for some, they may be a source of self-consciousness.

As we age, the pebbled texture of the chin can become more pronounced due to repetitive muscle movements, while chin dimples might deepen, potentially affecting our overall facial harmony. While genetics play a significant role, factors like muscle activity and skin changes can contribute to these features becoming more noticeable over time.

We understand how these subtle facial characteristics can impact your overall look and confidence. That’s why we offer tailored solutions to address pebble chin and chin dimples, helping to create a smoother, more refined chin contour that aligns with your aesthetic goals. Our experienced approach using anti-wrinkle injections provides a non-invasive option to subtly reshape these features, allowing your natural beauty to shine through.

How Anti-Wrinkle Injection for Pebble Chin and Dimples Works

This treatment provides a minimally invasive approach to addressing pebble chin and dimples by targeting the specific muscles responsible for these features. Here’s an overview of the treatment process:

Targeted injection: Small amounts of botulinum toxin are precisely injected into the mentalis muscle for pebble chin and dimples.

Muscle relaxation: The botulinum toxin blocks nerve signals to these muscles, causing them to relax and reducing their ability to contract forcefully.

Smoothing effect: As the muscles relax, the chin’s surface becomes smoother, and the dimples’ appearance diminishes.

Preserved function: The treatment aims to reduce specific muscle activity without compromising normal facial expressions, speaking, or eating functions.

Gradual onset: Effects typically begin to appear within a few days, with full results visible after 1-2 weeks.

Temporary effect: Results generally last 3-4 months, after which the treatment can be repeated if desired.